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Professional Fitness for Burien

At Pro Fitness we’re passionate about helping people achieve their health and fitness goals. Based in Burien, WA our facilities are available to residents of Normandy Park, Seahurst, Tukwila, Des Moines and the greater SeaTac area. Whether you’re looking for corporate wellness programs or in-depth personal training we tailor every experience to the individual, honing in on your goals and how you can achieve them. Pro Fitness Burien has an A+ rating with the BBB and has served the Burien community for over 30 years. You can find physical therapy, personal training, group classes, a sauna and even a daycare for busy parents. Visit us today for a tour!

Group Fitness class exercising at ProFitness gym in Burien

State-of-the-Art Amenities

We combine high-quality equipment and exercise machines with a friendly smile and professional encouragement. At Pro Fitness, we strive to provide you with the right atmosphere for you to get the workout you need and want. Our friendly staff is always here to help you when you need us. If you’d rather put your headphones in and do your own thing, that’s perfect too! We let you exercise your way, giving you the tools and amenities you need to succeed. When you’re finished with your workout, enjoy our relaxing luxury spa to jumpstart the healing process.

Sign Up Today

We’re always excited to talk to new members about our fitness center. We’re not just another gym where glamour seems more important than gains. At our facility, we’re welcoming and helpful for all types of workouts. Our staff works routinely to maintain a safe and clean environment, staying to a strict sanitizing schedule. We want you to feel as comfortable in our gym as you do in your home. Let us know what you’re looking for! We’re always open to suggestions and helping our members get the most out of their workouts.

Pro Fitness – It’s for Everybody!