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Corporate Wellness Programs in Seattle, WA

If you’re based in the greater Seattle area, encourage your team to stay fit and healthy with corporate wellness programs from Pro Fitness. Based in Burien our gym is convenient for companies in West Seattle and the surrounding SeaTac area, Normandy Park, Seahurst, Tukwila or Des Moines, WA.

Health and wellness are an important aspect of being productive and happy in life and at work. When people feel healthy, they feel happier and are more dedicated to their craft. You can encourage a healthy lifestyle by partnering with us. Our Burien fitness center has all types of amenities and programs to help promote health in your company.

Partnering with Pro Fitness for corporate wellness not only benefits your employees’ health, it establishes a bond and shows that you truly care about them. This results in stronger relationships and a better work environment.

Contact us today about our corporate wellness programs and how you can create a healthier, happier work environment.

Girl holding mobile phone near cardio machines at ProFitness gym in Burien

Benefits of Corporate Partnerships

If knowing that you’re giving your employees the tools to get healthier and happier wasn’t enough, we’ve compiled some notes about how it can affect your company. There are many physical, mental, and emotional benefits to staying healthy and fit. Some of these include:

  • Lower healthcare costs
  • Higher employee productivity
  • Reduction in workplace injuries
  • Improves employee morale and loyalty
  • An employee benefit worth bragging about
  • Reduction in worker’s compensation and disability payments

Encourage Your Employees to Exercise

At Pro Fitness, we encourage healthy lifestyles in a welcoming community. Our fitness center is structured around the idea of “fitness is for everyone!” We’re a welcoming facility with plenty of options to exercise and improve your health in many different ways. Our personal training programs identify goals and help members achieve them. There are many different programs available to your company as well. You can choose the different levels of involvement and what you’d like to grant your employees. At the end of the day, everyone benefits from living a healthy and happy lifestyle. Schedule a tour today to learn more about our corporate wellness programs and how they can benefit your employees and your company.

Pro Fitness – It’s for Everybody!