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$0 Enrollment Fee

Located in Burien, Serving The Greater Seattle Metro Area

Welcome to Pro Fitness! A 24 hour, family owned & operated fitness center. Located in Burien, WA. We proudly serve the Seattle metro and SeaTac area, including Normandy Park, Seahurst, Tukwila and Des Moines, WA. ProFitness offers daycare services, group exercise and corporate wellness programs, fitness bootcamps, weight training, aerobics and so much more. At Pro Fitness, we strive to provide our members with a friendly atmosphere and an immaculately clean facility. Our staff is here to support you and help you to achieve your fitness goals. Join Today!

Women exercising with kettlebells at ProFitness gym in Burien

Our Personal Training Team

We’re passionate about helping people achieve their health and fitness goals. It is life-changing when you help someone lose weight and get healthy. Meet our team of personal trainers who are dedicated to helping you. We take pride in coaching our community to get stronger, lose weight, feel better about themselves, and build confidence, all while having a positive attitude and fun along the way. Sign up today for individualized attention from trained, certified experts who are dedicated to your personal fitness goals.

Women doing exercise with ball at ProFitness gym Burien

Safety and Fitness Combined

We put your wellness first and have implemented new rules requiring all clients to stay six feet apart at all times. Our team focuses heavily on the cleanliness of our gym and only signing up friendly, non-aggressive people who bring positive energy to the club. We promote a warm, welcoming feel to our gym that promises fair pricing and friendly faces from our employees.

Book Your Tour Today!

We welcome everyone! And we have a warm, friendly feel from when you sign up to become a client all the way through the process of when you come in for your workout. We want our clients to achieve their health and fitness goals in an enjoyable atmosphere without the pressure of being overshadowed at the gym. We truly live by our motto of “Keep Your Body Movin’.” Let’s start your fitness journey today.

Pro Fitness

14635 9th Ave SW
Burien, WA 98166


Hours of Operation

24 Hours, 7 Days a week